As a post-grad researcher, I am very interested in ‘traits and states’ of consciousness and how we can nurture and cultivate the best of human potential. This entails examining the traits (personal characteristics) of people who  have exceptional latent talents and 'exceptional human experiences' (EHEs) and, the states of consciousness that facilitate them. EHEs include transpersonal moments and a variety of unusual sensory contents - including extra-sensory (psi) phenomena.  This means exploring ‘sensory restriction’ techniques (including REST, meditation, Ganzfeld and floatation) to minimised environmental stimuli, and awareness expansion techniques as these appear to support spontaneous phenomena even under experimental conditions.

SPS & Psi

20% of the population are highly sensitive. In scientific terms they experience 'sensory processing sensitivity' (SPS). As such, they experience more 'unusual' sensory experiences (e.g. synaesthesia, visual snow, tinnitus) than average, and furthermore, extra sensory perception (ESP) experiences too. I utilise my lens of lived experience as an HSP, to explore SPS as a perceptual advantage and it's gifts of ‘vantage sensitivity’  (e.g., heightened intuition, creativity, empathy and psi (psychic) experiences). Of particular interest for me, is the intersection of psi with sensitivity – and how we might cultivate such experiences of deep interconnection, for personal and collective growth. 



This is my PhD project. The working title is: Sensory isolation in floatation tanks as a method of promoting psi phenomena. It’s precisely that – an experiment involving people who float in a float tank for an hour, which is complemented by a precognition task. I am investigating the frequency of ‘correct guesses’ compared to chance expectation and, the phenomenology and states of consciousness of what people actually experience. Furthermore, I am examining the traits and characteristics of the participants including ‘sensory processing sensitivity’ (highly sensitive persons). 


My interest in ESP is complemented by psychokinesis (PK), or 'mind over matter'. Seemingly, this a-causal influence of intention and attention, over the material world, can be examined in experimental and exploratory outcomes. I am interested in the 'traits and states' that facilitate intentional forms of influence; including healing, growth and the skewing of probabilities at the macro and micro levels. Understanding how mind modulates reality helps us to make better, more ethical decisions and manifest accurately - with the best of our possible intentions for collective flourishing.