Embrace who you really are, at a depth level. Express that totally authentic you so that ultimately you keep expanding toward your personal illumination. This process involves the creation of your bold new work, self-reflection and continued inspiration for yourself and your followers.

From those growing or transitioning in perhaps a creative niche, career, identity, public voice or spirituality to those uncovering their potential as artists, content creators, holistic practitioners, coaches and social leaders, finding your ‘light’ is key to authentic life, love and leadership. 

A few benefits: 

Would your people and business benefit form:

  • Accessing deeper levels of empathy where the strength of customer bonds and/or inter-staff relationships are key to sales and retention?
  • Intuition, confidence and big-picture thinking?
    (Who couldn’t use more of that!?)
  • Acute trend prediction and future-sensing for probabilistic influence in decision making and outcomes?
  • Heightened sensory awareness in a workplace that calls for stringent health and safety rules?
  • Creativity that fosters real innovation and adaptation including to maximise opportunities?
  • Threat detection and fast strategising to neutralise it before impact? 
  • Team building through aligned needs, values and coherent action?
  • Balance of both mind and body where multi-tasking is essential to timely productivity?
  • Greater appreciation of the impact of gender roles, identities and social inclusion?
  • Leadership and culture from the heart?


Every body and Every mind is beautiful
…and full of potential. By embracing our universe of diversity and exploring our individual quirks, uncertainties and curiosities, we forge a life of celebration, together .


Average is a mean illusion
No-one is truly ‘normal’ because average is a mean illusion (pun!). I for one, am never ‘perfectly presented’ (and never will be) because I am not a finished product… are you?


Controversy is the drive behind our social evolution
 I believe that being curious, provoking open questions and ‘awkward’ conversation is healthy – and the socially responsible thing to do.

4.0 is more than a  tech upgrade...


Upgrading the collective consciousness of your business is the only way to ensure sustainable growth in the rapidly changing culture of business. The combination of both massive societal change and the advancement of Industry 4.0 means that everything is changing.

People’s choices, values and ethics are rapidly evolving. The world of business is levelling-up at an exponential rate with AI and SMART technologies, equipment, analytics and communications.

So how do you ensure your business will meet the needs, the demands and the challenges that this paradigm shift is bringing? With a full systemic mindset shift. To build resilience and creativity that integrates personal and culture development. You need to upgrade the consciousness of your first and foremost and this means tapping the untapped potential of the senses – the very real yet subtle, extra-sensory capacities.

Are you ready to rise with the tide?

We are all human beings – even when we are humans doing. We don’t stop ‘being’ because we are busy. The workplace is no exception and to achieve optimum wellbeing, is to achieve optimum potential.

Enhance the being and we enhance the doing!

"After just 2 weeks of working with Taylor, I've made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I am hopeful for the new future I'm creating."

Maisy Bouchey

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Taylor's courses, I'm a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Janell Parks