Wherever we learn...

...we learn to shape ourselves to fit in or, alternatively, we learn that we don't fit in at all. Feeling the need to people please and /or become 'othered' as 'weird' are both very common for highly sensitive people. It often begins in the classroom and we learn these roles. Highly sensitive children and young people are often overlooked because they are quiet and avoid sharing their problems. The suffer in silence not wanting to bother anyone or risk rejection. They are also often mistaken for having neurodivergent processing disorders too. What they actually need to thrive is very simple: understanding, quiet time, opportunity for their own depth of being. A sense of approval for who they are. Below are some original creative workshops designed to educate, uplift and foster self-worth:


Developed for all ages, PURRFIT is a fun feline themed workshop day for highly sensitive children, young people and playful adults to explore their deep and overlooked needs.

Admiring the independence, strength, grace and playful will of cats Purrfit adopts an extended feline metaphor to inspire our own mindful wellbeing in body, mind and spirit. Popular with schools - both the pupils and staff - Purrfit has seen countless children and young people build social confidence, self-expression and pride in themselves.

PURR = An expression of healing or contentment.
FIT = Able or Ready to adapt.


Developed for all school ages, Serpentolgy offers a little bit of magic in the form of animal assisted conversation and therapeutic intervention - with a snake! Effective for guided group and solo work on anxiety and self-acceptance, our gentle, scaly friend inspires deep conversation around being different, being misunderstood and yet having amazing secrets senses too. Sensitive children just love to regard the beautiful stoic nature of these differently abled creatures and so, Serpentology explores insights in self-acceptance, social inclusion, self-care and how transitions in life (when we 'shed' our old skins) can stimulate growth and self healing too.


Developed for all school ages, Avant Garden taps in to the innate magical way of being for HSPs and allows them to explore self-care like it's a class at Hogwarts. In these workshops, the children and young people engage their senses with subtle and fine ingredients to make potions from fresh herbs and flowers, then satisfy their need for depth and a meditative grounding that comes with the creative fun of making geometric mandalas.


Every body and Every mind is beautiful
…and full of potential. By embracing our universe of diversity and exploring our individual quirks, uncertainties and curiosities, we forge a life of celebration, together .


Average is a mean illusion
No-one is truly ‘normal’ because average is a mean illusion (pun!). I for one, am never ‘perfectly presented’ (and never will be) because I am not a finished product… are you?


Controversy is the drive behind our social evolution
 I believe that being curious, provoking open questions and ‘awkward’ conversation is healthy – and the socially responsible thing to do.

"I always look for the cat ladies so I can shout out that I have 'catitude not attitude'!"


"The children have grown immensely with these sessions."
